This historic home (1860) is a stone's throw from the pioneer cabin surrounded by hydrangeas that I showed you a couple of days ago. The original occupants of the Crosby House were the family of Nathanial Crosby III, grandfather of Bing Crosby. Apparently, the house contains a grand piano that came by ship around Cape Horn. It's now a museum that is open to the public a few hours a week, but I've never been. I really should remedy that.
Other sources: Olympia Tumwater Foundation, City of Olympia
I love doing genealogy but haven't for a few years now.
You asked about the historical building posted on my blog - I found the following information on the web -
"...design competition began but was only open to Wichita architects. The city council liked the design of the county courthouse but chose a different architect, Willis Proudfoot and George Bird, whose design proposed a four story structure of native stone, built in the Richardson Romanesque style. The architects used spires, turrets, and arches liberally and included a tall central tower. The cornerstone of the building was set in a full Masonic ceremony on July 4, 1890. The 170 foot by 80 foot city building was built of Cambridge limestone quarried in Butler County and was completed in 1892 at a cost of $71,000."
Lovely home..with beautiful location...with nice people....whatelse in the LIFE
Hi all
my name is Tom and im completely new to this forum.
I hope that I'll learn and share a lot of interesting things.
Keep smiling!
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